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The two things that Stenqvist brings to the table in terms of the brand formation and positioning process are knowledge and experience. With us as your partner, you can expect high-performance packaging solutions, state-of-the-art production technology, the Stenqvist quality guarantee and expert and individual advice across every area of our packaging range.

Below you will find rules for the artwork preparation. These rules will allow us to obtain the best print quality.

Graphic programmes for artwork preparation:
Adobe Illustrator / Corel Draw – PC or MAC platforms

Fonts should be converted into curves or given as an attachment in a ZIP file. The minimum font size depends on its type. One or two-piece font types are used for text fonts.

Graphics should be exposed on one or multiple layers.

Please include permanent embedded bitmaps as a separate attachment. The size of the bitmap should be the same as in the artwork. The Bitmap resolution should be 300 dpi at a scale of 1:1.

Lines and Transitions:
Artwork prepared for flex print should have a line (lines, objects) of a minimum thickness of 0.12 mm, and in counterpoint 0.25 mm. In case of a counterpoint in mixed colours the lines should be even thicker. Avoid tonal descending to 0% coverage (minimum 3%) and 'mixing' colours from CMYK and PANTONE palette.

The artwork cannot have a globally flatten transparency. Any special effects given to the object need to be editable. The artwork cannot be internally masked. Single object or group of objects cannot be set at the same time as transparency and PostScript printing.

Artworks should be prepared taking into account the CMYK palette (for color mixtures)

patterns can be accepted in three different ways:
The client is responsible for identifying the person to accept the pattern and thereby aware of the level of competence of person identified.